The newest addition to the popular RAVR line of remote video reel systems - the RAVR-HD featuring Belden Brilliance HDTV/SDI Composite Camera Cable designed for high definition video in ENG and EFP Applications. Combines a heavy duty pro Hannay cable reel and a rugged, yet flexible, cable needed for live or recorded on-site news reporting (ENG, or Electronic News Gathering) or Electronic Field Production for the on-site recording of videos produced for companies and private enterprises.
- The Answer for Video Vans Without Expensive CCUs! Combines HD Video, Audio, Video send, Genlock Return and Intercom in one handy snake Features: Belden 1347A video remote cable, two video channels terminated with BNC connectors, four audio channels terminated with XLR connectors, color-coded channel identification, stackable storage reels with casters. Coax Cable is sweep tested from 5-1600 MHz and 1600-4500 MHz, achieving minimum Return Loss values of 23dB and 21dB, respectively. Also Available with 5-Pin XLR termination for Channel-1 and Channel-2 single cable interface for Sony Cameras. Custom Lengths and Fanouts also available on special order! PL VERSION OFFERES CONNECTORIZED HUB